Thursday, June 11, 2015

Making the Transition to Health{ier}, Where Do I Start?

Today I want to talk about 7 steps to begin the transition into a healthier lifestyle. Approximately 20 years ago I took my first steps towards a more self sufficient, more healthy and less expensive lifestyle.  I have found, on my journey of recovery from emotional trauma, that self care is very important. Good nutrition and better sleep will do far more for your recovery than you may realize. Bit by tiny bit, I have been able to discover what works for me and change many things about our daily routines that add to our health, save our money, and create less dependence on the factory food system. When my body feels better, so does my mind.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dandelion Bliss~ the Mission

It has recently come to my attention that I need to clarify a few things about the blog. I have not been clear enough about my goals or my mission for writing here.
Today I want to begin to remedy that problem.

This blog was born out of a passion in my heart to share with, encourage, offer hope & laughter to, and inspire women to live a life full of LOVE, passion, forgiveness and healing.

Making the Transition to Health{ier}, Where Do I Start?

Today I want to talk about 7 steps to begin the transition into a healthier lifestyle. Approximately 20 years ago I took my first steps tow...